Dual studieren
in Bayern

What is hochschule dual?

hochschule dual is not a university of applied sciences, but the umbrella brand for the cooperative study option in Bavaria. The network not only combines all the cooperative study courses in one centralised information platform, it also acts as a service point for prospective students, universities of applied sciences and companies. As an umbrella brand with uniform quality standards, hochschule dual oversees and provides information about all the cooperative study programmes offered by the universities of applied sciences in Bavaria.

Study models

Cooperative study combines studying at a university of applied sciences (UAS) with practical training in a company or institution. There are two models:

In academic study with intensive in-company training, you complete your studies after 3.5 years with a bachelor‘s degree and gain comprehensive practical work experience in a participating company. Therefore, you are able to demonstrate longer periods of practical experience than in a regular academic study course. In the company, you will be involved in projects, ideally working in different departments, and with time, you may even be able to take on your own small projects. You also write your bachelor dissertation in the company.

In the second model, academic study combined with vocational training, you combine a bachelor’s degree with a professional apprenticeship which includes a vocational qualification over 4.5 years. When you choose this model, you will spend the entire first year as a trainee in a company and go to vocational school alongside this. Then, you start the degree, where, in the practical semester, you also sit the exam for the vocational qualification.

Cooperative study is geared towards highly motivated prospective students who are looking to combine intensive practical experience with an academic degree. They bring outstanding students into contact with companies early on, so both sides benefit from this brilliant combination of academic study and practical experience.